Butorphanol Injection


Analgesic and sedative for use in horses, dogs and cats.

10 mg/mL BUTORPHANOL base as Butorphanol tartrate

DOG AND CAT: As an analgesic: Randlab Butorphanol Injection is used for the relief of moderate to severe pain in dogs and cats.

Previous clinical studies have shown that Randlab Butorphanol Injection can provide suitable analgesia after a variety of surgical

procedures, e.g. orthopaedic and soft tissue surgery.

Administered pre-operatively, Randlab Butorphanol Injection will reduce the amount of analgesia required post-operatively.

AS A SEDATIVE: In cats, sedation does not occur with Randlab Butorphanol Injection alone, but can occur in dogs with Randlab Butorphanol Injection alone. In both species, profound sedation is achieved using Randlab Butorphanol Injection in conjunction with medetomidine hydrochloride (Stilator Injection), making it suitable for radiography, fracture examination or casting, dematting, ear cleaning, wound management, anal gland flush and other minor procedures.

AS A PRE-ANAESTHETIC: Pre-anaesthetic use of Randlab Butorphanol Injection in dogs has resulted in a dose-related reduction in

the dose of thiopentone sodium needed to induce anaesthesia, which will also reduce the risk of anaesthetic respiratory depression.

Pre-anaesthetic use in cats provides improved analgesia. Intravenous induction agents should be given to effect.

AS AN ANAESTHETIC: Randlab Butorphanol Injection may be used in combination with medetomidine hydrochloride and ketamine

hydrochloride (Randlab Ketamine Injection) as a triple anaesthetic.


When administering intravenously, inject slowly: do not inject as a bolus.

FOR ANALGESIA: Administer by intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous injection routes using aseptic technique.

DOSE RATE: 0.2 - 0.3 ml per 10 kg (equivalent to 0.2 - 0.3 mg butorphanol per kg) body weight. Randlab Butorphanol Injection should be administered before terminating anaesthesia to provide analgesia in the recovery phase. Analgesic effects are seen within 15 minutes. For continuous analgesia the dose may be repeated as required.

Randlab Butorphanol Injection (10 mg/ml) for canine analgesia (IV, IM or SC)


Cats should be weighed to ensure that the correct dose is calculated.


0.2 ml Randlab Butorphanol Injection per 5 kg body weight (equivalent to 0.4 mg butorphanol per kg) should be administered either by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection.

Previous clinical studies have shown that administering the Randlab Butorphanol Injection dose 5 minutes prior to induction with either acepromazine/ketamine or xylazine/ ketamine given intramuscularly will provide analgesia when surgery commences. The arousal time will not be significantly altered. With intravenous induction agents, Randlab Butorphanol Injection should be administered 15 - 30 minutes prior to the administration of the anaesthetic.


0.2 ml Randlab Butorphanol Injection per 5 kg body weight (equivalent to 0.4 mg butorphanol per kg) should be administered either by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection 15 minutes prior to recovery.

10mL Vial / 50mL Vial

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